Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sorry Guys...

Outside of work and *sigh* my "Lost" obsession although I am now fully caught up and ready to join the Thursday night world of "Leave Me The Fuck Alone At 9...Don't You Know Lost Is On"

I have the flu.

Yeah my ass fucked around and got that. The year I decide to not take the flu shot because I'm getting a little paranoid on what doctors are injecting in my body.

Fuck around and wake up with a 3rd arm or something.

I caught the flu. Apparently I had the shit since November but it didn't rear its ugly head until a couple of Mondays ago.

Ya girl was a fucking wreck. I went to a Super Bowl party that Sunday. Hey free food is free food, you know I wasn't there for the football *lol*

Woke up Monday and I swear I could not get out the bed. My body felt like someone took a brick and literally beat the shit out of me. My lungs were swimming in mucus and I was so weak I couldn't make it out the bed.

After convincing myself I wasn't viciously poisoned while at the Super Bowl Party, I tried to suffer through the week. Yes my black ass managed to crawl out the bed and make it to work.

And yes I took my disease ridden ass to work because I can't stand being in the house weak and helpless until someone comes home and take care of me. And besides tour season is looming, there's hella problems with the on going construction, and I had hella work to do.

Not that any of this mattered, my ass ended up going home early every single day...when I wasn't passed out drooling at my desk while people tip toed around me afraid that they might "get that".

Strangely enough here I am, today running @ about 55%, and NO ONE has caught the flu. No one around me is sick in the least. I mean I must have coughed, sneezed and spit up on every surface at home but is Mr. Immune System of a God sick?

Hell to the no!

Is my girl, whose needy ass feel the need to stop by damn near daily and sometimes I have to throw her out the apartment so she can take her ass home, sick?

Hell to the no!

Outside of a co-worker who is always sick, and who I 9/10 catch whatever plague on the earth that has descended on her, no one is sick.

I don't know whether to be mad suspicious or mad bitter.

I mean just at the beginning of the week I was maybe running at 25%. And that's maybe.

I've lost about 5 lbs alone in one week. Shoot I went three days without eating a bite of food. I survived on OJ so much that I'm convinced the price went up because I was buying 4/5 gallons of the stuff a week.

I'm slowly regaining my appetite back but for the most part I don't have an interest in food.

And now I'm convinced I have tuberculosis. Don't ask *lol* Fucking Wikipedia has scared the shit out of me.

I'll be back to regular posting soon. I promise :)


Nexgrl said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Liv For Me said...

Damn Ten, Hope u feel better soon...As I sit here plagued my damn self...
Yeah Wikipedia is not the most credible site going..

Rashan Jamal said...

Oh so you gonna self diagnose your self like me? Try WebMd. Its a hypochondriacs wet dream. You can alway find something wrong with you there.

dejanae said...

tuberculosis huh?
feel betta chick

Anonymous said...

Girl. I'm putting lysol on my screen just from reading. Lol. Feel better!

Angel said...

oh no! not the flu! seems like plenty of people are coming down with "something" lately. even had one of my damn students get the chicken pox two weeks ago!!! the damn CHICKEN POX! how you gonna be 20 years old and never had the chicken pox!?!? all quarantined on the damn floor and thangs! hahahahah

proacTiff said...

*ehugs* Sick and you still manage to come quipped with the funniest shit ever! Keeping in the spirit of your *cough* illness: thinking you have TB and "Leave Me The Fuck Alone At 9...Don't You Know Lost Is On" (the fact that it rhymes outdid me). Be careful what you secretly wish for... Losing 5lbs ain't fun when the homies ain't got sick none.

Will be waiting for updates, even on Thursday/Friday. *duckin*

Anonymous said...

Girl, I'mma get a surgical mask to wear when I read your blog. I can't be catchin germs like that.

I hope you feel better soon!