Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'd Starve If I Lived In Philly...

Since JBNs family is much tamer than mine, there are no funny tales about his family reunion. I was going in hoping for at least one flipped table but alas everyone was well behaved.

At least no one is spreading rumors that I pregnant like the last family reunion. And of course every one wanted us to “keep in touch” so they can receive an invite to the wedding.

The wedding that I haven’t even planned.

The wedding where we can’t decide on a date let alone colors.

Hell we’re still hashing out bridesmaids and groomsmen. Shit I’m running out of female friends. Since I’ve gotten engaged I’ve dropped three friends from my friends list on Face Book *lol*

I just can’t keep a friend with breasts *real breasts not Man Boobies* to save my life. I always have to cut the friendship string at some point. I’m pretty sure it’s my doing as far as the reason I can’t keep a female friend, shit I’m too hard on them.

I keep this up and I might have to make my gay best friend G tuck in his nuts and slide on a dress.

If he wasn’t a “homo-thug” that is.

Riiight. I laugh at that shit every times he brings up that oxymoron.

Sometimes I wish he could be the “effeminate” gay so he can do my hair, help me pick out an outfit, teach me a dance step…something. I mean can I have a gay friend with a sashay please?

Not a Timberland rocking, LRG wearing, scowl on his face, more swagger than a lil’ bit man…who just so happens to love the “D”.

And who pulls fine ass men on the regular. I mean is it too much to ask for one of them to point me toward their equally fine heterosexual brother? Is that too much to ask?

JBN might start acting up the closer we get to the wedding date and I may need a rebound boyfriend. *lol*

I tried to put some enthusiasm in my voice when discussing my upcoming nuptials to his family but I can tell they sniffed right through the bullshit.

Quite frankly, while I love this man and want to spend the rest of my life with his and adopt some wonderful babies *lol*, I’m not keen on planning this wedding.
I am not ready to freak the fuck out over every single detail. I watch the brides who come into the hotel and these broads are in tears over a damn lost gift bag. Veins popping out their necks because someone switched place cards at the table. Not to mention stressing over the flower arrangement.

And I know this will be me.

I know I’m going to be the one screaming at the top of my lungs at the bridal shop because someone is stuck in traffic.

I can hear me now:



I like order and I like things to go according to plan. I’ll be watching the weather like a hawk for weeks just to make sure it doesn’t rain on my day. And I will make a complete back up plan just in case it does rain, complete with alternate routes to get to the church and reception.

I’m seriously considering hiring a wedding planner but at the same time I know I wouldn’t like anything he/she did. I would go behind them and check their work which would probably bug the shit out of them. And knowing that I will go behind that person, do I really want to shell out $$ for a job that technically I am still doing?

And sad to say I can’t trust my family to do anything major. Let me ask my mother to order the flowers or reserve a space for the reception. I’ll hear “I’ll do it” and either the job is half ass done or I’ll hear, “Oh…I forgot. Sorry.”

And of course everyone wanted to tell me their own “wedding tales”. Oh how they spent $30,000 on the entire wedding *”aren’t you divorced though?” cricket chirp*, how many people showed up, the colors, the people, oh it was in the neighborhood’s “society” pages and all this other shit that I could care less about.

I don’t want a huge wedding. I just want something tasteful. Hell we can grab a few friends and hit Vegas as far as I’m concerned. Go out, get drunk, get married and go right back to the club and finish partying.

Although…could you imagine the pictures *lol*

But I’ll get it together one of these days.

First thing first…My ass need to go on a diet or it’s girdle city for the big day.
Oh yeah, we found a Philly Cheese Steak place not too far from the park and decided to buy one.

That was the nastiest shit I’ve ever eaten in my life.

I spit that shit out right there in the restaurant. What the fuck is on yall bird? *lol*

The parts of Philly that we saw and toured were nice. No “State Property” visits and shit. Philly is a nice town. I didn’t get out to Kings of Prussia mall, I was very upset at that, but Philly was decent. It was hot as fuck out and since I am deathly afraid of pigeons I almost got hit by a tour bus fleeing the flying rats, but it was pretty cool.

And…They have a Walgreen in Philly. I was walking around the store in amazement like it was a Tiffany’s or something.

*lol* Don’t laugh but I miss Walgreens. They have little to none in this area and shit I’m tired of fucking CVS and Rite-Aid!

I’ll have to post up the pics when my lazy ass has a chance.

Now that cheese steak bullshit Philly yall can have that shit. And don’t try to blame the place. It looked equally nasty every place we went.

Now I had a hoagie. That was fye. But *shudder* I still got a bad taste in my mouth from that sandwich.

I’ll just take an Italian Beef dipped and covered in mild sauce thank you very much.

Next week I’m going home to Chicago.

Now that will be interesting.


Ms.Honey said...

What I'm first LOL...AMAZING!!!

Let me find out your gonna be a Bridezilla LOL I can see you now I'm the BRIDE you do what I say not what you want LOL

UMMM yes I can imagine the pictures..your dress ripped the fly hair do now looking like a squirrel has made it's nest in it lol

As long as I get to park cars LOL..sike let me stop

Still Patrice said...

LMAO!!! I can't wait until you start planning your wedding! Your blog post will be OFF THE CHAIN!

You sound like me when I FOUND the super wal-mart last weekend! Buying shit on GP! LOL

I'm going to chicago this weekend for my birthday! Where should I go, eat, do?!?!? Help ya girl out! (

proacTiff said...

Hey, girl. Glad you made it back in one piece. Although you did mention that JB's family was on the mild side. *Whew* you didn't have to duck glass bottles and stuff on this outing. Maybe they will let some of their penned up frustration out at yours and JB's reception. *LOL* J/K...

Glad you solidified that nasty sammich shyt. Folk always try'na "rep they city" ... BrotherlylovePhillysandwichiswhack!

I can imagine your "tanacious" ass as a Bridezilla! And if that be the case, you better put all them other spoiled-don't-have-em-all Brides to shame. I don't want to be able to hear a damn thing when your episode airs. Like you cursing e'reybody involved out so bad they had to stop the audio recording. Beep *^##@% beep &E#$$^$ beep %#&((&#! Fade to black. *LOL*

My gay BF is so looking for a "Homo Thug." I have to shush his ass up when certain personal trainers come into the gym. He's not "sashay," but more like "lisp with them Ssses." *LOL* and be pullin the Homo thugs harder than women. And that mofo can do a straddle better than ayun cheerleader I know. I bet that's how he hones them homo thugs in to his "game" talking bout he just stretching. *Cutting eyes*

Tasha said...

LMAO @ spitting out the cheesesteak! I'm not a fan of them either. I could only imagine the stories if you got married in Vegas, but you seem like the one that would do that shit up! Take over the club for the night and start your reception at 1AM with a two drink minimum and shit, LOL.

Still Patrice said...

LMAO!!! So glad to know Ian isn't the only that pretends not to know his Chic when she gets to ackin a fool! There have been MANY times, I've turned to look for him and has LEFT the damn bldg!

The creators of the CHI could sooo get it! OKAY! anything that can make a black womans hair silky smooth without frying it!!!

Thx for the local spots! Now I can roll through and act like I BEEN coming there! LOL Hate looking like a tourist.

NegroPino™ said...

Still longwinded i see :-) I was looking for the chat box to say Hi but you musta gotten rid of it.....
Nice profile pic...

The Humanity Critic said...

"I keep this up and I might have to make my gay best friend G tuck in his nuts and slide on a dress."

..that line killed Great stuff.

Liv For Me said...

"Go out, get drunk, get married and go right back to the club and finish partying."
NOW that is true Tenacious coming out...get'er done, and moving ON to the Party LOL
Poor JBN does he have any idea to what he has signed up for LMAO
I got a looooong ass email coming to you..that weekend was...uh detail worthy...
Let's just say u either didnt pray hard enough, or u prayed for the wrong end. *Smirk*
Tell u later.

p_nami said...

Hey Tenacious!!

I finally met my girl's "homo thug" friend today...can I get one?

Yes Miss Thang, we are waiting anxiously for your Bridezilla stories...those are going to be classic Tenacious material! LOL

And I will be back in the uhrea the weekend of Aug 10 for birthday celebrations, libations, and pole dancing classes! Yay! We gotta get know we are hitting up a club or 3 to set it off!

Angel said...

I posted something new...

Miz JJ said...

Hey girly. Glad you all had fun. A wedding does not need to be a big drawn out ordeal. You guys could try to make it small and simple.

LMAO @ you and the florists. Actually have a big wedding. I woudl love reading about the blog details.


Almost wedding time, well damn. What kind of gift do ya'll want? I could get you Purple Rain on DVD, its HOTT, plus, its only $8 @ Wal Mart.

Consider yourself tagged, now rush to my blog for your instructions...