Gosh I can’t believe that I leave tomorrow for a sunny *hopefully Chicago weather changes with the quickness* week in Chicago.
I can’t wait.
I don’t know why I’m getting so geeked like I don’t go home at least once a month. I think it’s the home cooking. You mean a week of me not cooking? Dishes duty is granted, I’m the eternal slave when I’m at home. I’m always washing dishes when I come home being that I am banned from making anything on the stove. I mean damn burn one pan of cornbread and the family acts as if I’ve committed a crime against Jiffy Mix.
I ain’t complaining though. I actually hate to cook. I try to weasel my way out of cooking every night *with some success*. The fiancé is learning his way around the kitchen I may add. Better him than me. I’m content with a sandwich.
Trish I heart you. Don’t be mad. *lol* I call it how I see it. Flawless honey. Just learn to take a compliment dammit! Trust, it gets easy. Pretty soon you’ll be like me talking, “Nigga I know I’m cute!” *lol*
Thanks Mr. Viperteq. I talk about Justin so much he sent me FutureSex/LoveSounds which quickly went to the IPOD and I burned a copy for the house and car. Picture my hunched down fiancé in the passenger seat too embarrassed to sit up because Justin is blasting from his Jeezy/Lil’ Wayne/Jay Z/Ludacris encrusted speakers, me singing along *badly* and dancing in the seat at the light, and you’ll have a pretty clear picture of me after work driving up Route 110.
I will agree that there are about three songs that I don’t like on his cd. I don’t really like the slow songs too much but the rest of the cd is tight.
I was just going to swipe it from the internet, sorry as much as I love Justin I don’t buy cds anymore, besides I can pay him a different way *wink wink* but Viper did me a BIG favor by just sending me the files.
I was shrieking and bouncing all over the house while it uploaded.
Now if only someone would send me some sexy nude male pictures so I can have a story to tell. Remember no peanut butter shots…well…maybe just one or two *lol*.
LIGHT BRIGHT offered to pick my up from O’Hare but I declined. My girls are going to roll out of the bed *probably late as shit knowing them* and we’re going to hang Downtown for a little while. Then it’s shopping and partying for TWIN and FOOL’s birthday. Sunday we’re going to Six Flags and then TWIN heads to where ever the Navy plans on sending her and FH is preparing for Iraq. When the crew gets together crazy things happen. I wonder if G is going to be in town. I need to get my ass to a gay club and of course he’s the obvious choice for going with me. He does his thing, we get free drinks, and I don’t have to worry about being felt up by some nigga. Well I’ll probably be felt up but only because he wants to feel the material *lol*. Yeah I hit gay clubs from time to time but only the men ones. No ladies. I have enough problems with them picking me up on the street, I don’t need to encourage anyone. And *shudder* I might run into one of the many lesbians that I went to high school with. Could you imagine the gossip? “Ay yo tell me why I saw Tenacious up in the club…I guess some chick turned her out…”
No No No. Strictly Penis over here.
What am I going to do with myself while in town? I guess behaving. Nah. I’ll just be good a little. I’ll try to keep my hands to myself. I’m this close to being registered as a sex offender in Illinois. And shit the County is cold as hell. I am too pretty for jail.
Let’s pray that the stalking radar is broken while I’m in town. Last thing I am trying to do is be bothered with my exes. Maybe I’m a better girlfriend than I care to admit because those fools just can’t leave me alone. I mean I know the expression **and Janet song** “You don’t know what you got until it’s gone” but I mean damn something has got to give. Or maybe I just attract the random crazy dude with separation anxiety.
But I probably won’t be that lucky. OMAR’s mother lives about 5 blocks away from me. My mother bowls around the corner from JDUBB’s people house and unfortunately KAPPA makes his presence known at a lot of the clubs that I frequent. Damn I need to really stay the fuck out of my neighborhood. If I wasn’t banned *and terrified* of the West Side *lol* I would take up over there but um West Side dudes are just a lil crazier than South Siders like myself.
And I guess living right off of 79th doesn’t help either. Niggas stay cruising through my neighborhood.
And whose car am I cuffing when I go home? Due to my accident folks are wary of me driving anywhere like I’m going to crash on a side street or something. I do well driving on the street, it’s the expressways that I am not too fond of although LIGHT BRIGHT did say I could whip the PussyMobile around. Shit he’ll fuck around and not get that Monte Carlo back. A bitch would be straight ghost on his ass *lol*
I’m just going to kick back and have some fun. I might even make a trip down to U of I to see what’s popping on the old campus. I still know a few folks down there so it should be fun.
Go get my hair “did” at one of the hood shops. You ain’t never been in a hood shop until you go to one in Chicago. Where else could I see Shawanda and Felicia box it out because Felicia is fucking around with Shawanda’s baby daddy and had the audacity to come up in the salon knowing Shawanda been wanting to get up in that ass for the past two weeks. *lol* I mean why get your weave tightened only for it to end up on the pavement?
You know I could get the cluster ponytail with a French roll in the back, waterfalls in the front with the front part of my hair red and the back blond *like Keisha Cole* and a bang swoop. You know bring that shit back in style. Shit and maybe I might ask for a finger wave or two *lol*
But at least they know what a “wrap” is in Chicago. I find myself always explaining it when I go to the shop. Damn wrap lotion, wrap my hair up, stick me under the dryer for a couple of hours, comb it down and flat iron. Bam that’s it. I guess because it’s so simple folks look puzzled. They’re like…so weave/gel/highlights/dye/glitter is not needed? Hmm…let me go to the books and see what she’s talking about.
I’ll holla…
aw .. damn. Blogland won't be the same without you and I know Imma miss ya.
If I ever catch you with ribbon waves in the top of your head, waterfall pincurl ponytail, gel'd up with baby hair swooped... then first off I would probably laugh hysterically, then snap as many pictures and bribe you throughout life.
Have fun girl.. be safe and all that jazz.
Call me if you got another layover in the A. Come back with loads of tales from the Windy City.
So, who's going to cook when you get married? Surely, a kitchen is no place for a man, only a couch and a beer is a man's place.
LOL @ your love for JT. I keep telling you you're crazy...
Man, when I was with mi prima in Harlem to get her hair did there were many altercations. Many Dominicans do not know how to act.
Have fun. Stay safe. Use protection (a knife).
You are wrong for "**smooches**", hope you enjoy your trip kick it BIG time and make sure you drink at least three LONG ISLAND TEA'S for your boy Slump!!!!
CANNOT WAIT FOR THE HEE-LARRY-TEE THAT YOU SHARE!!!! im tempted to start laughing now just so my sides arent hurting when i read the actual post! :-)
Ok so you need to send me them Justin FILES..NOW!! I thank you in advance LOL...have fun in the Chi..don't get jumped by the crack heads and please don't make no one fall in love with you then again what are we gonna read about LOL
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